Osee Prophetic School of Ministries

WELCOME to Osee Prophetic School of Ministries. Sons of the prophets! Arise! This online school is designed for the freshman and bible school graduates, who are not Holy Spirit accredited, meaning seeing the power of the Holy Spirit in your ministry. You will be walking in the power of the Holy Ghost upon completion of the course recommended. Your eye open to see His revelations in the Text, seeing signs and wonders, miracles, healings, the prophetic, discernment ... Rom. 9:25 KJV.

About Us John 7:38
Hi there! Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, my name is Michael Coward.
I have being in ministry for over 40 years, have seen signs, wonders, miracles, walked as a prophet, in Jamaica, and in Canada. Now is the time to raise up true prophets for these days are evil, and the church needs true men and women of God. Under the leading of the Holy Spirit, I will be your Teacher.
1Tim. 4:1-16

First Year
Old & New Testament Survey
Systematic Theology
(Study of the Holy Spirit)
Biblical Counseling
Research & Media
Homiletic (The Art of Preaching)
Second Year
The Voice of the Spirit
The Baptism of the Spirit (fire)
(Study of the Holy Spirit)
The Gifts of the Spirit and Impartation
The Prophet / Seer
Demonology and Deliverance
Homiletic (short study)
Third Year
The Baptism of the Spirit
Knowing people
Acquisition of Spiritual Truths, AST.
The Gifts activation
Home & Other Church
Follow up
Power soul winning and small group ministry
Dreams, Visions, & Trance

Contact & Information
Pre-requisite :
Good command of the English Language.
A very strong desire to see the power of God, in your ministering.
Only those who are drawn by the Spirit of God, will be admitted.
High speed internet and Personal computer or high-end Tablet. Be present live cam on face.
This course is an online study!
Recommend three year for freshman, and two year for Bible school graduates. The three-year course, is a Diploma course. The Diploma is in Believer’s Ministries.
The two-year certificate course is in Believer’s Spiritual Mysteries.
This is for the bible school graduates. Which is the second and third year.
To graduate, each student must demonstrate the power of the Spirit in ministering to people. This is the accreditation of the Holy Spirit.
No dis-respect to organizational accreditation. If we are walking in the Power, organizations will seek after us, or hide from us.
$25,000. JMD. Per semester = About $159.60283 US Dollars
$300,000. JMD. Three year course. = About $1,921.3323 US Dollars
$200,000.JMD. Two year course. = About $1,280.0652 US Dollars
USD. Varies according to exchange rate.
What you will gain:
Lifetime membership and accountability, Monthly or Quarterly News Letter.
Certificate or Diploma and Certificate
Ministry placement, locally or aboard
Thanks for visiting our site,
Be Blessed!!!